How to Get Divorce in Australia


Divorce is becoming a common issue in the world today. Divorce is not always an easy choice. Common reasons of divorce is infidelity, abuse, poor communications, Change in priorities, money problems, disagreement, sexual problem, addictions, failed expectations, lack of love and combination of the aforementioned.

There are many countries and states allow divorce and one of them is Australia. Divorce is a genuinely separation process of married couple. So every country and states has there own distinct way of applying for a divorce. Australian govt. has a strict law for divorce so anyone has to pass a genuine process.

What are the proper ways in applying for a legal separation in Australia? What are the essential facts that you need to know about the divorce process in Australia? Get all the answer to these questions about divorce in Australia in this article. This piece of writing will provide you some relevant information and useful facts that you need to know about the divorce in Australia.

If you are planning to get a divorce in Australia, make sure that you are bona fide resident and citizen of Australia. You are recommended to prove to the supreme court of justice in Australia that you have been separated from your spouse for at least 1 year (12 months) before submit your application for a legally divorce in Australia and you must have to prove that you are a citizen of Australia.

The first things that you need to consider is to know as to whether you are going to apply for a legal separation in Australia alone of are you going to file a joint an application? Then if you prefer file for a joint application and you have no child less than 18 years, then it is much easier since you are no longer required to attend the court hearings and the result of the application may be released easily. If anyone is not an Australian citizen by birth ad he only acquired Australian citizenship in applying for a divorce, get a copy of his Australian citizenship certificate, Australian Passport and other important documents to prove citizenship.

Therefore, you need to complete the divorce application form or if you prefer, you can appoint a lawyer to complete the form for you. You are recommended to have the application from for divorce signed and affirmed by a lawyer or justice of the peace. Get a photocopy of divorce application and any other supporting documents. You need to original copy for your application and the photocopy of your application for divorce form and other documents must be submitted to the family law registry. You will be then required to pay a certain amount at this time.

After submitting the application and when all requirements are already complied, the court shall give a file number, time and date for hearing. The court will grant a divorce order if application is successful. A court order will be sent both of the parties through lawyer.

Fees of divorce in Australia:

Now all these documents need to be filed in the Family Court or the Federal Magistrates Court. The filing fees is around $800 in the Family Court.

Online divorce support process is the most popular process nowadays.